How to be more successful (in life, career, health and relationships!)

Do you want to be more successful?  I don’t just mean in your business or career. I mean in every aspect in life? Yes, your career but also in your health, your relationships, financially and in life overall.

For starters, do you even know your definition of success? I don’t mean the one that was pressed upon you by your parents, teachers or even peers. I mean your definition of success. Your definition may be different for all the aspects we discussed above but you need to know what they are if you ever plan on reaching them.

Have you ever heard the Yogi Berra quote, “if you don’t know where you’re headed, you’ll wind up somewhere else”? I mean think about it, if you get in your car and have no clue how to get to your destination, you won’t magically show up there. But on the contrary, if you know where you want to go and you have it loaded in your GPS you’ll most likely reach your target. Yes, it may get windy and not go exactly as planned but I bet you will be a lot closer to where you want to be if you have a clear goal in mind.

So, why don’t we give it a go? Define what success looks like for you. Not what you think it is supposed to look like but what it innately means to you. Let go of parental and societal pressures for this exercise.

I recommend you even write it down. I know, I know, I rarely ever pull out a piece of paper because an article told me to but hear me out. When you actually write it down it sinks into the subconscious faster. The combination of the kinesthetics of writing and the optical observation of seeing it written out is a way to utilize the power of the subconscious mind. Why does this matter, you ask? Well, if your subconscious knows what you want consciously it has a better chance of guiding you there behind the scenes.

Write out what success looks like in all the aspects of your life: health, career, financial, relationships and any others that are important to you. Now, if there is a gap from where you are today to where you want to be, start mapping out how to get there. What are your next steps? Knowing this can now guide your decision making. Instead of aimlessly walking through life and hoping it’ll all work out for the best. Get in the driver’s seat and decide where you want to go!

What makes this even stronger is to remove those pesky limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks that were instilled in you from a young age. You may not even be aware of them. If you are ready to do this, you’re in luck! I’m opening up more ways to work with me starting in July so join the waitlist below!

Onward, dear friends.

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I’m Crystal, Hypnotherapist + Health Coach for busy women who want to optimize their health and upgrade their habits so they can get past their to do list and have more time for the things they love.

xo, Crystal

