The blog

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas & Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries & Hazelnuts

I went back through my recipe archives and found some delightful gems in there.  I've attached the links below  so you can fill in any gaps in your Thanksgiving menu. Want a warming and upgraded take on pumpkin soup?  Make this Coconut Ginger Pumpkin Soup. Looking for a bright salad ...

Pumpkin Pie Protein Oatmeal

I've been making some version of this recipe for years. Every fall when pumpkin everything is everywhere I start making it for my kids. They all love it and for me, it's easy because it is something that all three of them will eat it. As with a lot of ...

Apple Pecan Chicken Salad

One routine I've been working to add in is making an easy make ahead lunch to keep in the fridge.  All it takes is a little bit of prep and lunches for the week just got a whole lot easier. I had been purchasing the Sonoma Chicken Salad from Whole ...

Pumpkin Banana Bread

A recurring question I see while working in the mindful health realm is where to even start when you are ready to get healthy and start taking better care of yourself. When I'm working with a client one on one it is much easier to figure out what is the ...

How to be more successful (in life, career, health and relationships!)

Do you want to be more successful?  I don't just mean in your business or career. I mean in every aspect in life? Yes, your career but also in your health, your relationships, financially and in life overall. For starters, do you even know your definition of success? I don't ...

How to Make Your Bad Habits Uncomfortable (so you can stop them in their tracks)

If I asked you to make a list of your bad habits that are affecting your health in a less than optimal way, what would your list look like?  (I would have you do this exercise but if you are anything like me, you probably would have a snarky remark ...

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas & Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries & Hazelnuts

I went back through my recipe archives and found some delightful gems in there.  I've attached the links below  so you can fill in any gaps in your Thanksgiving menu. Want a warming and upgraded take on pumpkin soup?  Make this Coconut Ginger Pumpkin Soup. Looking for a bright salad ...

Pumpkin Pie Protein Oatmeal

I've been making some version of this recipe for years. Every fall when pumpkin everything is everywhere I start making it for my kids. They all love it and for me, it's easy because it is something that all three of them will eat it. As with a lot of ...

Apple Pecan Chicken Salad

One routine I've been working to add in is making an easy make ahead lunch to keep in the fridge.  All it takes is a little bit of prep and lunches for the week just got a whole lot easier. I had been purchasing the Sonoma Chicken Salad from Whole ...

Pumpkin Banana Bread

A recurring question I see while working in the mindful health realm is where to even start when you are ready to get healthy and start taking better care of yourself. When I'm working with a client one on one it is much easier to figure out what is the ...

How to be more successful (in life, career, health and relationships!)

Do you want to be more successful?  I don't just mean in your business or career. I mean in every aspect in life? Yes, your career but also in your health, your relationships, financially and in life overall. For starters, do you even know your definition of success? I don't ...

How to Make Your Bad Habits Uncomfortable (so you can stop them in their tracks)

If I asked you to make a list of your bad habits that are affecting your health in a less than optimal way, what would your list look like?  (I would have you do this exercise but if you are anything like me, you probably would have a snarky remark ...
Thanksgiving Menu Ideas Crystal Hannah

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas & Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries & Hazelnuts

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Pumpkin Pie Protein Oatmeal


Apple Pecan Chicken Salad


Pumpkin Banana Bread


How to be more successful (in life, career, health and relationships!)


How to Make Your Bad Habits Uncomfortable (so you can stop them in their tracks)

Mindset Shift: A Simple Formula to Get You Out of a Funk

A few weeks ago we were discussing my preference for momentum over motivation.  Today, I’m going to show you how to turn this idea into a practical solution to whatever doldrums you may find yourself in. Typically, when we find ourselves in these less than ideal states we feel stuck.  Stagnant.  Petrified.  And Frozen.  Most…

Is stress taking a toll on your health? Life-changing lessons I’ve learned to create inner peace, happiness and health!

This week is my birthday.  I’ve now completed 37 trips around this grand old sun of ours.  I used to cringe at the thought of getting older but now I see all the wonderful things that go along with it.  I’m finally okay with the idea of trading my youth for wisdom.  For me as…

Become Your Own Personal Investigator: your health may depend on it

Our bodies are constantly communicating with us.  They are consistently giving us feedback.  Have we forgotten how to listen? Collectively, we stopped taking these little notifications seriously.  When we ignore them long enough they can turn into illnesses that we cannot ignore.  Your body doesn’t have a notification ding like your phone.  It has to…

Ditch Dieting Forever (and why I started eating meat again)

Get out of the cycle of on again, off again diets.  If you want lasting health, make sustainable lifestyle changes instead. To me dieting feels like punishment. Forceful changes because you aren’t doing good enough before. Losing weight because you think you should look a certain way. But what if there was a different way…

Momentum Over Motivation

Are you aware that motivation is just a feeling?  I bet you understand that other feelings come and go.  You most likely aren’t angry, sad, calm or even excited ALL of the time.  We visit and revisit these feelings.  Hopefully some more than others but I want you to understand that motivation isn’t what we…