Become Your Own Personal Investigator: your health may depend on it

Our bodies are constantly communicating with us.  They are consistently giving us feedback.  Have we forgotten how to listen?

Collectively, we stopped taking these little notifications seriously.  When we ignore them long enough they can turn into illnesses that we cannot ignore.  Your body doesn’t have a notification ding like your phone.  It has to communicate with you in other ways. 

If you are tired, that’s a message. 

If you have a breakout or rashes, that’s your body sending up flare signals. 

If you get chronic headaches, there is a root cause.

The extra weight that showed up around your midsection, is a notification.

Even your poop is speaking to you about the health of your body.

True health is not just the absence of a diagnosis.  We have confused normal with common.  Just because something is common doesn’t mean it is normal.  You shouldn’t just suck it up and deal with it because others have the same struggle.

I want you to approach your health with curiosity.  Become your own personal investigator.  Start to recognize the signs your body is giving you and ask questions.  Look for the root cause.  There are many things that can shift us off balance.  It may be the food we are eating, the environment we are in or even the chronic stress or negative thoughts we have on repeat. 

Many things can cause dis-ease within the body.

Can you start to ask better questions?  Why is my face breaking out?  Why am I so tired all of the time?  Why is my stomach always upset?  Why do I get headaches all of the time?  What is causing this?  What could I look into, shift or do if I got curious enough to experiment or make changes? 

These types of questions are what got me over my chronic bronchitis and upper respiratory infections.  In 2008 I moved to Texas and within the first 6 months I had visited the doctor 3 times.  I was sick of it.  I finally got curious enough to ask the doctor what was causing it.  He said it started with allergies.  I got curious and it went something like this:

Take allergy medication everyday.

Hate taking allergy medicine everyday.

Decide there must be another way.

Research what causes seasonal allergies.

Come up with a bunch of information about histamines.

Dig deeper.

Learn that seasonal allergies can be triggered by environmental toxins and food sensitivities.

What?!  I had no idea, there was a link.  So I decided to experiment.  To limit environmental toxins, I ate more organic foods and cleaned up my household products.  For food I started limiting foods I may be sensitive to.

You know what happened?  Well, I’m here writing you 14 years later and I haven’t had bronchitis or an upper respiratory infection since I got curious enough to dig deeper. 

It’s wild to me.  I was the girl who was constantly sick.  It almost felt like a part of my identity but I got curious enough to change it and I am so happy I did.  

What signals is your body sending you?  What questions can you start to ask to get to the root cause?  

If you even need help digging deeper, please reach out.  I’m on a mission to stop this needless suffering.  I want you to feel your best!

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I’m Crystal, Hypnotherapist + Health Coach for busy women who want to optimize their health and upgrade their habits so they can get past their to do list and have more time for the things they love.

xo, Crystal

