How to Prove to Yourself You Can Actually Change (What the Heck are Mirror Neurons Anyways?)

So you want to make big health and lifestyle changes?  The kind that lengthen your life so you can go to your future grandkids weddings and still bust a move on the dance floor. 

I’m going to take a guess, if you have health habits you are trying to change, you don’t have many good examples around you.  Or possibly just no one, you think is like you.  The problem with making changes when you haven’t broadened your perspective, is your subconscious mind might not believe it is possible- FOR YOU!  That is a big problem and one that is hard to overcome because you probably don’t even realize it’s happening.

This little saboteur is hiding around in the depths of your subconscious.  But it doesn’t have to be all doomsday, I mean it’s not like Brutus to Caesar. You can work with this.  All your subconscious wants to know is that it’s possible.  And even more so, that it’s possible for someone like you.

Enter mirror neurons.  The neurons that fire when you are watching someone else do something.  You don’t even have to be doing it for the neurons to behave like you are. And as they say, the neurons that fire together wire together.

Have you ever heard of the 4-minute mile phenomenon?  Well, the 4-minute mile was thought to be impossible.  People had come close to it but as far as documentation goes it hadn’t been done.  Then one day in 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.  He had broken the barrier and now, over 1600 others have as well.  You know why, they believed it was possible.

For you to believe it is possible you can enlist the help of these mirror neurons by expanding your subconscious’s view on what you can achieve.  Make it a priority to be around people who have accomplished what you want to accomplish.  Put yourself in situations to meet people who have already forged through the hardship you are in or have adopted the habits you want to adopt.  Real life is the best way to do this but it also works if you see it on tv or social media (the caveat, you must believe in some way they are similar to you). Let them expand what you think is possible on a subconscious level.

If you are only around people who aren’t doing what you want to do and haven’t accomplished what you want to accomplish, your subconscious mind will have trouble believing it is possible.  So go out and find people who can expand your mind so your subconscious can go from saboteur to ally.  Start thinking about where people who have accomplished these things hang out? Where do they spend time? Go there. What groups are they a part of? Join them. Where do they go on vacation? Okay, the last one isn’t going to help but I’m desperately in need of an escape, I mean vacation. Feel free to email me recommendations.  

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I’m Crystal, Hypnotherapist + Health Coach for busy women who want to optimize their health and upgrade their habits so they can get past their to do list and have more time for the things they love.

xo, Crystal

