Mindset Shift: A Simple Formula to Get You Out of a Funk

A few weeks ago we were discussing my preference for momentum over motivation.  Today, I’m going to show you how to turn this idea into a practical solution to whatever doldrums you may find yourself in.

Typically, when we find ourselves in these less than ideal states we feel stuck.  Stagnant.  Petrified.  And Frozen.  Most people think they need motivation to get themselves out of it.  But not you my friend, you’re smarter than that, you now know to focus on momentum over motivation.  (If you are a little lost go back and read this article). 

To start, all you need is one small (teeny tiny, perhaps) step towards something else, one pattern interrupt, one shift, one conscious movement in another direction.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • If you are stuck or overthinking something, write. Pull out a journal or piece of paper and start getting it out of your head.
  • If you feel stressed or anxious, get your body moving. Exercise, yoga, running or even a walk will help move that around. 
  • If brain fog sets in, meditate. Take a few moments to close your eyes and let your mind have nothing to do.
  • If you feel sad, go for a walk in nature. Move your body, expand your lungs and literally broaden your horizons.
  • If you’re frustrated, go somewhere else.  Changing your physical location, changes your mental state.  Even if it’s just to another room in your house.

Feel free to mix and match all the above.  Stagnancy in the body leads to stagnancy of the mind.  So do something, do anything and see how it works for you.

Now, time to put this into practice.

  1. Acknowledge how you are feeling.
  2. Decide how you want to feel.
  3. Ask yourself, ‘what is one small thing I can do to move in that direction?’
  4. Go do it!  Focus on momentum!

I’m rooting for you.

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I’m Crystal, Hypnotherapist + Health Coach for busy women who want to optimize their health and upgrade their habits so they can get past their to do list and have more time for the things they love.

xo, Crystal

