Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Personal Reality

This week we will continue our discussion on awareness.   (If you missed last week’s article you can read it here.)  We are going to take a look at the thoughts we are playing on repeat in our minds. 

The thoughts you are constantly playing through your mind become your personal reality. They become your beliefs. Over time they have formed the person you are today. The parts you like and the parts you’d like to change.

When we become aware of these thoughts that aren’t serving us, we can start to shift them. We can interrupt the pattern and create new beliefs about ourselves and shift our personal realities. 

It was once thought, when you got to adulthood, you couldn’t really change. Thanks to new understanding of neuroplasticity, we know you can change and create new beliefs, habits, etcetera. 

Starting to consciously observe the thoughts on repeat that you would like to change is the first step. Here’s an example from my own life:

My youngest son, Pierce, was born in August of last year. The newborn phase takes a lot of energy and often allows for very little sleep. I knew I didn’t want to give in to just feeling like I was in survival mode all of the time. I wanted to enjoy it and still feel present with my family. 

So I made a plan to be in charge of my thoughts. I would use hypnosis and meditation to help but also being very aware of my thoughts and rehearsing what I actually wanted in my head.

I knew if I gave in to the thoughts of “I’m exhausted” “I’m so tired” “I have no energy” that they would consume me and become my reality. 

But! If I changed the story in my mind and got up in the morning thinking “I’m well rested” “I have lots of energy” “I got all the sleep I needed” my whole mindset was different and I felt much better starting my day.  Especially after listening to this.

By using the tools I’ve learned, I was able to successfully live day to day in this mindset of restfulness. Not to say, I never slipped into other thoughts after a rough night, but I can honestly say, I made it through the newborn phase feeling pretty energized and even somewhat rested. 

This story is to share with you the power of the mind and how our thoughts become our personal reality. I share this to empower you. 

If you are ready to change your thoughts and work on the subconscious to shift them to new helpful thoughts, feel free to send me a message

Have you ever consciously changed your thoughts? What changes did you notice? Please share in the comments below to inspire others!

P.S. Are you sick of feeling tired all of the time and having low energy? Do you have trouble keeping up with your to-do list? Do you constantly tell yourself how tired and exhausted you are?

If so, I created this hypnosis audio, just for you! Hypnosis is a goal-oriented meditation to help your conscious and subconscious goals align. 

This totally free ENERGY BOOST hypnosis will raise your energy and help you get through your day (and your to do list) with ease. In under 15 minutes you can boost your energy and efficiency.

So, if you’re ready to increase your energy and get through your day with a little more gumption and grace, grab some headphones, get comfortable and listen in.

*this is not intended to ignore underlying causes of fatigue or other health issues. If you are tired all the time please speak with your healthcare provider.


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I’m Crystal, Hypnotherapist + Health Coach for busy women who want to optimize their health and upgrade their habits so they can get past their to do list and have more time for the things they love.

xo, Crystal

